The Zed Attack Proxy is junk. The interface is not intuitive and worst of all, it leaks memory. It has crashed my computer twice today while performing scans on Hack The Box Web Proxies targets. What is it doing to prevent Linux from killing it off when it consumes all my memory?

And what the hell are all these tiny little icons on the toolbar? Do I really need to see all of them, all the time? That stuff should be context aware.

Then there’s the part about how it doesn’t work with FoxyProxy on Firefox. I have to open my URL inside it, then trick it into thinking it came from a live request by starting a spider and then immedietly stopping it. Once I forgot the trailing ‘/’ in a URL and had to start all over since there’s apparently no way to edit a site URL once it’s created.

I’d rather pay for Burp Suite than use ZAproxy.